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Families must include (at least) one child under the age of 18
Can include both minor and 18+ children
Families must own a reliable vehicle
Families must have ties to the Fulton or DeKalb county areas, such as through employment or school
If your family does not meet eligibility requirements, click here for other area resources that may be available for you and your family
If your family meets the eligibility, please contact us through the contact form below to receive more information and set up a phone interview.
To learn more about our shelter program, please click here.
Moving locations weekly
A place where families can stay together, no matter age or gender
3 meals a day prepared by congregation and volunteers
Community support
Case management
If children are already enrolled in school, can they stay in their current schools even if they are moving locations?
Children are not required to move schools while in our program. If they are already enrolled in a school, the school is legally required to keep them enrolled despite not having a permanent address, according to the McKinney Vento Act. Transporting them to and from school is the responsibility of the family.
How do belongings get transported from congregation to congregation?
Family Promise provides families with large bins to place items in. These bins then get loaded into our UHaul and driven to the next location.
What level of privacy can be found in the program?
Families are each provided with their own rooms. Congregations usually convert their classrooms into bedrooms for the families, as well as one classroom that may serve as a communal/living room area.
What are the requirements to get into the FP program?
Because families are moving locations every week, in order to get to schools and jobs, a vehicle is required for our program. We also require that families have at least one minor child.
Besides housing, what other services does Family Promise provide?
We have a Day Center where families can come during the day, that has computers, internet access, laundry and shower facilities. We also offer case management, employment resources, and the support of the North Fulton/Dekalb community.
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